Common Name: Crab-eating Fox
Scientific Name: Cerdocyon thous
Conservation Status: Least Concern (Lucherini, 2015).
Habitat: Marshland, savannah, cerrado, caatinga, chaco-cerrado-caatinga transitions, scrubland, woodlands, dry and semi-deciduous forests, gallery forest, Atlantic forest, Araucaria forest, isolated savannah within lowland Amazon forest, and montane forest (Lucherini, 2015).
Range: Coastal and montane regions in northern Colombia and Venezuela, south to the provinces of Entre Ríos and adjacent northern Buenos Aires, Argentina; from the eastern Andean foothills in Bolivia and Argentina to the Atlantic forests of eastern Brazil. Central distribution in lowland Amazon forest is limited to areas northeast of the Rio Amazon and Rio Negro, southeast of the Rio Amazon and Rio Araguaia , and south of Rio Beni, Bolivia (Tejera, et al., 1999).
Diet: Small mammals, reptiles, marsupials, rabbits, birds, amphibians, and, fish (Medel & Jaksic, 1988).
Threats: Spill-over pathogenic infection from domestic dogs (Lucherini, 2015).