Common Name: Arctic Fox
Scientific Name: Vulpes lagopus
Conservation Status: Least Concern (Angerbjörn & Tannerfeldt, 2014).
Habitat: Arctic and alpine tundra; Sub-Arctic maritime (Angerbjörn & Tannerfeldt, 2014).
Range: All arctic tundra habitats. These species breed north of and above the tree line on the Arctic tundra in North America and Eurasia and on the alpine tundra in Fennoscandia, ranging from northern Greenland to the southern tip of Hudson Bay, Canada (Angerbjörn & Tannerfeldt, 2014).
Diet: Small mammals, insects, berries, carrion, and even the stool of animals or human beings. The winter diet consists of marine mammals, invertebrates, sea birds, fish, and seals. The summer diet consists mostly of lemmings (Middlebrook, 2007).
Threats: Hunting for fur, disease, human persecution, and organic pollutants (Angerbjörn & Tannerfeldt, 2014).